Name: Abdul Wahab Qureshi (Gold Medalist)
Roll #: 765076
Position: 1s t(All Pakistan 1st Position Holder)
Marks: 2940 / 3300
Year: 3rd
Trade: DAE (Petroleum & Gas Technology)

Gold Medal from
Amir Haider Khan Hoti
(Chief Minister of KPK) at Chief Minister House.
Message from Abdul Wahab Qureshi (Gold Medalist)
First of all I thank the staff in the RED-C Institute of Engineering & Technology for contributing a vital role in achieving my highest score in the final exam of KPK Board of Technical Education Peshawar. The spark of interest and excitement in the eyes of an inquisitive and independent learner. Although it does require a lot of time, effort and perseverance, the RED-C institue gives us a lot in return. In all honesty, the RED-C institute does prepare s for life in the world.The principal and teachers at the RED-C IET are wonderful, kind and good hearted people who want students to learn and have to positive experience. I remain close with my teachers whom I could as lifelong friends. The goal I achieved is all due to the efforts & prayers of my beloved teachers and parents.I pray for the prosperity and the excellence of RED-C Institute of Engineering & Technology, Islamabad. May Allah Almighty give power to this Institute to progress by leaps and bounds”. Ameen.
Gold Medalist Certificate