Message from the Ex-Chairman of KPK Board of Technical Education
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to RED-C Institute of Engineering and Technology (RED-C IET) Islamabad on providing technical education in the rapidly growing field of education in private sector. I expect good response in the strength and growth of the institution which will provide quality education to cost-conscious students. No nation can move up on the ladder of development unless it gives due importance to education especially the field o science and technology. Today’s knowledge-driven world demands out of box thinking and creative approach for sustainable growth. The services rendered by RED-C Institute of Engineering & Technology, Islamabad in this regard are marvelous I pray to Almighty Allah that RED-C Institute of Engineering & Technology Islamabad may grow from strength to
strength and become the abode of higher learning in the years to come.
Engr. Abdul Ghaffar
MD. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education Peshawar
(Government of Pakistan)